
Science Gallery Melbourne Decolonizes Sci-Fi Narratives

A genre study from Asian and Indigenous perspectives, ”SCI-FI: Mythologies Transformed” opens at the University of Melbourne’s Science Gallery. Co-produced with the ArtScience Museum in Singapore (where it debuted as “New Eden”), the show “explores science fiction’s possible roots in Asian philosophy and spirituality” and breaks with Western, male-dominated traditions. Over 30 woman and alternative voices including Morehshin Allahyari, Cao Fei, HONF, Mariko Mori, and Sputniko! delve deep into “hybridity, mysticism, transcendence, and otherwordly utopias.”

Metadata: People: , , , , / Organizations: , / Locations: , / Contributors: / Image: The House of Natural Fiber (HONF), Galactica V.21 Dharma Garden (2023-24) / Photo: Matthew Stanton
$40 USD