
Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley Confronts Audiences with Black Trans Issues Through CGI Overload

“I’m a maximalist to the highest degree. When it comes to exhibitions, I don’t ease people in. Instead, I drop them straight into the deep end.”
– Digital artist Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, on the intensity of her current survey exhibition, “THE SOUL STATION,” at Berlin’s Halle am Berghain. Commissioned by LAS Art Foundation and curated by Mawena Yehouessi, the show presents experimental videogames that confront audiences with Black Trans issues through CGI overload. “I expect people to feel overwhelmed,” Brathwaite-Shirley admits. “In my work, you get as much as you give. The harder you play, the more you’ll see.”
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$40 USD