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“RIP Yves Klein, you would have loved the CrowdStrike outage.”
– Architectural historian and writer Alexander Luckmann, finding humour in the unprecedented global failure of computer systems by linking the tsunami of reported ‘blue screens of death’—Window’s fatal error message—to the late French artist’s patented pigment

Deep demake or meta media archaeology? Thanks to programmer WebFritzi, retro gaming fans can now enjoy Windows 95 classics Solitaire, Freecell, and Minesweeper on a Commodore 64—iconic Windows 95 desktop interface and mouse support included. Recreating an authentic 1995 PC experience on an 8-bit platform from a decade prior required some assembly language wizardry. “How are the icons created? Can you make a user interface like this? I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” stunned Commodore fans wrote online.

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