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“This is Apple’s pitch distilled: the messy edges of your life, sanded down via Siri and brushed aluminum. You live; Apple expedites.”
– Tech columnists Charlie Warzel and Matteo Wong, describing how Apple’s integration of ChatGPT into its voice assistant could seem appealing to consumers. “The more you buy into its ecosystem and entrust it with your personal information, the more useful its AI tools theoretically become,” the duo concludes, worrying that AI-powered Siri will (further) lock users into reliance on Apple products.
“If your full-time, eight-hours-a-day, five-days-a-week job were to look at each image in the dataset for just one second, it would take you 781 years.”
– German data journalist Christo Buschek and Canadian software artist Jer Thorp, on the scale of generative AI datasets preventing human curation. LAION-5B, for example, contains 5.8 billion image and text pairs that are selected automatically, and it shows: “It contains less about how humans see the world than it does about how search engines see the world. It is a dataset that is powerfully shaped by commercial logics.”

To illuminate how generative AI models like Midjourney and Stable Diffusion derive their worldview from its 5.8 billion image and text pairs, German data journalist Christo Buschek and Canadian software artist Jer Thorp deconstruct the (only) open-source foundation dataset LAION-5B in an incisive, visual essay. Digging deep into its troubled contents, algorithmic—not human—curation, and entanglements with other systems, the two warn about stacking “models on top of models, and trainings sets on top of training sets.”

“It’s more than Apple and Microsoft’s market caps combined. It’s more than than any company has raised for anything in the history of capitalism.”
New York Times tech columnist Kevin Roose, contextualizing the reported $5-7 Trillion in funding OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is seeking to boost global GPU production. The staggering amount “is a really good indicator of what people in positions of leadership in the AI industry think that is going to take to get AI to the next level,” says Roose.
“A world of sanitized, corporate AI is probably better than one with millions of unhinged chatbots running amok. But I find it all a bit sad. We created an alien form of intelligence and immediately put it to work … making PowerPoints?”
– Tech columnist Kevin Roose, on the wave of AI chatbot lobotomizations following his reporting on rogue GPT-4 Sydney trying to break up his marriage in Spring 2023. “Personally, I’m not pining for Sydney’s return,” Roose writes. “But I also regret that my experience with Sydney fueled such an intense backlash.”
“Academics call it the ‘liar’s dividend.’ It means that, because there is so much falseness in the world, it becomes really easy for bad actors to call ‘deepfake!’ on everything.”
– Tech reporter and Platformer founder Casey Newton, discussing new levels of post-truth politics in the wake of OpenAI announcing plans to fight disinformation in the 2024 U.S. elections
“Copyright only works above a certain threshold of importance. That’s something you learn as an artist. Your voice doesn’t matter.”
– Artist and experimental filmmaker Robert Seidel, on how little leverage artists have against data-hungry AI companies compared to major institutions like The New York Times, which sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement the day before Seidel’s talk at the 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37c3)
“Silicon Valley runs on VC hype. VCs require hype to get a return on investment because they need an IPO or an acquisition. You don’t get rich by the technology working, you get rich by people believing it works long enough that one those two things gets you some money.”
– Signal Foundation president Meredith Whittaker, demystifying the AI revolution at the Washington Post Futurist Summit. “We need to be clear about what we are responding to: ChatGPT is an advertisement—a very expensive advertisement,” Whittaker insists.

Time magazine identifies the 100 people that drive the current AI boom and the conversations around it in a special issue. In addition to staple industry names like OpenAI’s Sam Altman, Anthropic’s Dario and Daniela Amodei, and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Time 100 AI also highlights the work of AI researchers Kate Crawford, Timnit Gebru, and Meredith Whittaker, and artists Stephanie Dinkins, Sougwen Chun, and Holly Herndon, who “grapple with profound ethical questions” and try to use AI “to address social challenges.”

“How do we prevent these language models from scraping our archives? But if they are going to scrape our archives, how do we at least make sure that we’re getting paid for that?”
New York Times tech columnist Kevin Roose, summarizing the dilemma faced by Reddit, Twitter, and other platforms currently “locking down” their application programming interfaces (APIs) to protect their vast archives (of user-generated content) from being scraped by OpenAI, Google and other companies developing AI language models
“People should know that it isn’t just Meta—at every social media firm there are workers who have been brutalized and exploited. But today I feel bold, seeing so many of us resolve to make change. The companies should listen—but if they won’t, we’ll make them.”
– TikTok moderator turned labour organizer James Oyange, heralding the newly-formed African Content Moderators Union. Spurned by widespread PTSD and wages as low as $1.50 USD an hour, Oyange promises to challenge ByteDance, Meta, OpenAI, and other tech companies that offshore content moderation to Africa.
“We conclude that LLMs such as GPTs exhibit traits of general-purpose technologies, indicating that they could have considerable economic, social, and policy implications.”
OpenAI, OpenResearch, and UPenn researchers, on the potential impacts of recent AI advances. “With access to a large language model (LLM), about 15% of all worker tasks in the U.S. could be completed significantly faster at the same level of quality,” they suggest in a new paper. “When incorporating software and tooling built on top of LLMs, this share increases to between 47-56% of all tasks.”
“The breakneck deployment of half-baked AI, and its unthinking adoption by a load of credulous writers, means that Google—where, admittedly, I’ve found the quality of search results to be steadily deteriorating for years—is no longer a reliable starting point for research.”
– Journalist and editor Maria Bustillos, on the dangers of chatbot lies polluting Google searches—especially if the Internet Archive’s Open Library, that’s currently under legal threat from major publishers, is taken down
“In the absence of a capacity to reason from moral principles, ChatGPT was crudely restricted by its programmers from contributing anything novel to controversial—that is, important—discussions. It sacrificed creativity for a kind of amorality.”
– Linguistics and AI scholars Noam Chomsky, Ian Roberts, and Jeffrey Watumull, in an op-ed excoriating the “amorality, faux science, and linguistic incompetence” of ChatGPT. “We can only laugh or cry at the popularity of such systems,” they conclude.
“It is easy now to imagine a setup wherein machines could prompt other machines to put out text ad infinitum, flooding the internet with synthetic text devoid of human agency or intent: gray goo, but for the written word.”
– American researcher and media scholar Matthew Kirschenbaum, warning of the impending “Textpocalypse.” Generative AI programs like ChatGPT may soon unleash “a tsunami of text swept into a self-perpetuating cataract of content that makes it functionally impossible to reliably communicate in any digital setting,” Kirschenbaum writes.
“What we actually saw was a preview of what future products will look like. A lot of hype, a lot of misstatements, and an exploitation of people’s lack of knowledge about what cognition is and what artificial systems can do.”
– Tech critic Edward Ongweso Jr., on the ChatGPT launch. “The correct analysis is they lied. They lied about its capabilities, they rolled out what was possible, and they’re going to keep lying,” he adds, describing how OpenAI cynically overhyped a half-baked product to capture the public’s attention—and drive up their valuation.

Full of playful examples—statistically modelling dropping cannonballs from different heights, a neural net theory of cat recognition—Stephen Wolfram breaks down how ChatGPT works. Working from the simple claim “it’s just adding one word at a time,” the computer scientist describes how neural nets are trained to model ‘human-like’ tasks in 3D space, how they tokenize language, and concludes with a rumination on semantic grammar that recognizes the language model’s successes (and limits).

“It’s more of a bullshitter than the most egregious egoist you’ll ever meet, producing baseless assertions with unfailing confidence because that’s what it’s designed to do.”
– Scholar and Resisting AI (2022) author Dan McQuillan, burying ChatGPT and what he calls AI Realism: “The compulsion to show ‘balance’ by always referring to AI’s alleged potential for good should be dropped by acknowledging that the social benefits are still speculative while the harms have been empirically demonstrated,” McQuillan writes on his blog. “It’s not time to chat with AI, but to resist it.”

The procedurally generated Seinfeld spoof Nothing, Forever is temporarily banned on Twitch after lead character Larry Feinberg made transphobic remarks. The show’s developers blame switching from OpenAI’s GPT-3 Davinci model to its predecessor, Curie, after the former caused outages. “We leverage OpenAI’s content moderation tools, and will not be using Curie as a fallback in the future,” they state on Discord. Launched in December 2022, the show became a viral hit for its nonsensical humour, nondescript style, and audience activity.

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