
The AI Anarchies Book

The AI Anarchies Book stirs up the debate surrounding AI and ethics with artistic and critical perspectives, offering radical new entry points into the discourse. As documentation, reflection, and toolbox, it captures the knowledge that surfaced during the AI Anarchies Autumn School (2022), presenting the artistic projects created within the program alongside essays, transcripts, interviews, images, and recipes.
$35 USD


Clara Herrmann, Elise Misao Hunchuck, and Maya Indira Ganesh


Sana Ahmad, Walla Capelobo, Sarah Ciston, Sara Culmann, D’Andrade, Lex Fefegha, Laura Fong Prosper, Laura Forlano, Maya Indira Ganesh, Wesley Goatley, Sarah Grant, Johanna Hedva, Bianca Herlo, Clara Herrmann, Louise Hickman, Elise Misao Hunchuck, Jac sm Kee, Nora N. Khan, KUNCI Study Forum & Collective (Nuraini Juliastuti and Fiky Daulay and Rifki Akbar Pratama), Jon (Wobbly) Leidecker, Lauren Lee McCarthy, oasis.wet (Petja Ivanova, yo Bisseck, Rain Rose, Kaya Anouk Zakrzewska), Mimi Onupha, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Luiza Prado De O. Martins, Sahej Rahal, Tiara Roxanne, Pedro J S Vieira de Oliveira, Alexander Scholz, Nishant Shah, Sarah Sharma, SONDER (Peter Behrbohm and Anton Steenbock), Aarti Sunder, SUPERRR Lab (Julia Kloiber and Elisa Lindinger), Tactical Tech, The Good Robot (Eleanor Drage and Kerry Mcinerney), The Mycological Twist (Eloise Bonneviot and Anne de Boer), Michelle Thorne, Natasha Tontey, Lena Ulbricht, Unit Test (Martin Disley and Murad Khan), Jennifer Walshe, Jackie Wang, Tin Wilke, and Siegfried Zielinski.


AI Anarchies sought to re-position ethics and accountability within human uses and imaginations of AI in social institutions and networks, in our relationships with technology, industry, and each other”

—Maya Indira Ganesh, AI Anarchies co-editor & co-curator

$35 USD
• Monochrome, with colour section
• Dimensions: 17 x 24 x 2.5 cm
• Edition: 500 (30 available).
• Pages: 242
• ISBN 978-3-88331-261-3
AI art and biohacks, CGI fever dreams, software that speaks truth to power—join us and receive full access to HOLO’s daily discoveries in critical creative practice.
$40 / $75 / $350
The AI Anarchies Book sheds light on the debate surrounding AI and ethics from an artistic and scholarly perspective, exploring new approaches to the topic.
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An inquiry into the nature of randomness—how science explains it and how culture (and art) emerges from it
Parsing emerging representational and perceptual paradigms in the wake of the Snowden revelations and nascent computer vision technologies
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The first three instalments of ‘anticipatory’ designers N O R M A L S eponymous graphic novel series delineate a dark and unsettling world of hyper-mediated futures.
$40 USD